Using Edpuzzle.
So, I tried using Edpuzzle, and we worked with a farm animal video on Edpuzzle, I picked this video it's got catchy tunes and adorable farm animals that I knew would grab the children attention.
Aim: Our main goal was get the kids to know and love farm animals and the sounds they make. After getting all excited about the animals on screen, we planned to act out the animals' sounds and moves in class.
Flipping the Classroom: In a way, this was like flipping the classroom but for preschoolers. The cilhrdren watched the video before class, so when they showed up, they were all ready to jump into more farm animal fun. This meant we could spend more class time workingbecause they already had a head start from the video.
The Bes: It was a really possitive activite that children enjoyed.
Next time, I migh add more animals and perhaps we cna add some simple questions during the video to make sure they're paying attention.
All in all, using Edpuzzle to bring farm animals into the classroom was nice.
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