6.5 Foro Interaction

 After reviewing the blogs of my fellow participants, I was particularly inspired by the use of TimeToast in one of their projects

So, after reading it, for my final class activity with 3-year-olds, we're going to use TimeToast but in a very simple and fun way. We'll make a "My Day" timeline. I'll ask four parents to come and help, so we have one adult for each little group. Each group will draw pictures of what they do in a day, like eating breakfast, playing, or reading a book. Then, we'll stick these pictures on a big piece of paper in the order they happen from morning to night. The parents will help the kids talk about their pictures and put them in the right order.

At the end, each group will show their "My Day" timeline to the class. This will help the kids learn about routines and how to tell stories with pictures. They'll also get to practice talking in front of friends with help from the parents. It's going to be a fun way to learn and remember our day, and I can't wait to see their creative timelines. We'll take photos of these timelines and share them on our class blog so everyone can see how we learn and have fun together.


  1. Congratulations on your job! Your dedication to guiding English language learners through their journey is truly inspiring. Your thoughtful insights, practical tips, and engaging resources empower students to learn English in a fun way. I particularly enjoyed your superheroe Genially. I think it could have excellent follow-up activities too. I suppose the blog could be improved by adding useful websites and other resources but I am sure you will do that eventually. We just don’t seem to find enough time to do everything we wish. Keep up the excellent work!

  2. Hi, Lucía. I really like your blog. It’s very interesting and eye-catching, and you can see your passion for teaching English by the creative ideas presented and developed. You start your blog with an intriguing and captivating introduction, you use some visuals to make it more appealing and provide the links to your work. I’m sure you make learning enjoyable and memorable for their students. As an area for improvement, I would just mention the fact that sometimes you don’t separate the sections within the texts and it seems a little bit disorganized.

  3. Good afternoon, Lucía. I was taking a look at all your interventions in your blog and I would like to congratulate you because I think that you really work on that so hard and your posts are completely well-organized and the topics are quite useful and stunning.I particularly enjoyed watching your Genially about superheroes. The idea was quite cool and I believe that it could be very successful for future lessons. However, the blog might be improved by adding more details and highlighting your own learning teaching programme. You could add more resources . Although, you are doing a brilliant work keep up doing it !


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