2.4 A TimeLINE


 In  this learning activity designed  and adapted for 3-year-olds, we used TimeToast to create a timeline of "Little Red Riding Hood" accompanied by images, aiming to enhance sequential understanding, visual-narrative connection, and digital tool familiarity. The platform's user-friendly interface and visual clarity significantly benefited the activity, allowing children to easily associate story parts with images and visualize the story sequence. We encountered challenges like the fact that at this age kids might find difficult to fiind the stories, or image upload issues, which were overcome by providing step-by-step guidance and preparing compatible images beforehand. 

Students reacted positively, showing increased engagement and enjoyment from actively participating in creating the timeline. For future improvements, an introductory session on TimeToast, more practice activities, and predesigned templates could further ease the process for young learners. 

TimeToast aided in achieving learning objectives by improving sequential understanding through visual sequencing, reinforcing memory with visual associations, and introducing young students to digital learning tools, preparing them for future digital educational activities.




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